Board of Trustees
With more than 13,500 students as their primary focus, the Georgetown Independent School District is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees. Each board member serves the entire community without compensation for a three-year term of office. Elections are conducted annually in May.
The Board of Trustees governs the district by adopting policy and regulations. The key roles and responsibilities of the school board members are:
- Hire and evaluate the superintendent and delegate all administrative responsibilities
- Approve the school district's budget
- Establish goals and evaluate outcomes
- Adopt and evaluate policies
- Communicate with the community
- Place 1 - James Scherer
- Place 2 - Elizabeth McFarland
- Place 3 - Cody Hirt
- Place 4 - Stephanie Blanck
- Place 5 - Anthony Blankenship
- Place 6 - Jennifer Mauldin
- Place 7 - Stacy McLaughlin