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Be A Star, Win A Car

Our generous partners at Hewlett Volkswagen Georgetown have partnered with us to award one GISD senior with a FREE brand new car. In order to qualify for the competition, students must:

  • Satisfy all graduation requirements
  • Maintain a Two point five GPA
  • Have an Attendance rate of at least 96%
  • Have Respect for school rules and demonstrate responsible behavior (A student must have no conduct that results in disciplinary suspensions and/or placements, including: In School Suspension, Out of School Suspension, GAP, or JJAEP)

If seniors meet these requirements, they are eligible to Be A STAR and Win A Car at the end of the 2024-25 school year. 

How does a student enter the competition?
Administration at every high school campus will be keeping track of student data throughout the year, and all seniors who meet the requirements will be automatically entered into a drawing to win the car.