This bond proposal was developed by a Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) whose charge was to study growth, facility and equipment needs, as well as student programs in the district, and make a recommendation to the GISD Board. The nearly 80-member committee was made up of a diverse group of parents, staff, community leaders, and residents both new to Georgetown and those who have lived in the district for decades.
Based on the recommendations from the advisory committee, the GISD Board of Trustees unanimously approved an order to call for a $649.5 million bond election that went before voters on May 4, 2024. The bond proposal was made up of four propositions to comply with a state law that requires certain projects to be listed separately on the ballot.
This website serves as a resource for the Georgetown ISD community members. Visit often for updates on design and construction status, including project information, design presentations, and construction photos and videos.
Proposal Summary:
Proposition A — $597,470,000
Schools, Safety & Capital Improvements
Construct new comprehensive high school
Construct new middle school
Construct new elementary school
Reconfigure middle school as new Frost Elementary
Renovate and expand classrooms in fine arts and athletics
Safety & security infrastructure
New buses
Repairs & maintenance
Land acquisition
Proposition B — $20,330,000
Infrastructure & equipment for growth and life cycle
Proposition C — $27,850,000
Fine Arts
Performing arts facility at East View HS
Equipment & uniforms
Address aging conditions of Klett Performing Arts facility at Georgetown HS
Proposition D — $3,860,000
GHS track repairs
EVHS field house & locker room expansion
Project Updates
Elementary 12 and Middle School 5:
Contractor: American Constructors
Sitework for underground utilities, roads, parking areas, and building pads is ongoing. Pier drilling for the foundation system will begin during the month of December. These campuses will be ready for students in August 2026.
New Frost ES:
Contractor: Bartlett Cocke General Contractors
This project started on June 24, 2024. Interior topping slab at gym is being prepared for an upcoming concrete pour. Drywall is being installed and new rooftop HVAC equipment is being set in place. Site work for new parking lots and driveways is ongoing as well. This project is scheduled to be complete in late June 2025 and ready for students in August 2025.