Media Guidelines
Georgetown ISD promotes a positive working relationship with local, regional, and national media. The Office of Communications and Community Engagement is the contact point for all media inquiries, incoming and outgoing. The Executive Director, Communications and Community Engagement is the designated spokesperson for the Georgetown Independent School District.
Members of the Media -
To arrange interviews with Georgetown ISD District Administration,campus administration, teachers, or other GISD employees, please contact:
- Communications and Community Engagement
- (512) 943-1890
To arrange for media coverage of an upcoming district or campus event, please contact:
(Approved by the Georgetown ISD Board of Trustees July 26, 2010)
- One of the primary ways that Georgetown ISD can educate the community about our programs and our success is to work very closely with local and regional news media. Outlined below are the Georgetown Independent School District’s media guidelines and procedures. These guidelines and procedures are designed to promote the success of our students and staff while keeping school day interruptions to a minimum and student safety at the forefront.
Media Guidelines
- Media representatives working on a story regarding the District, our students, our staff, or our facilities, are requested to contact the GISD School and Community Relations Office at (512) 943-1890. The primary point of contact is the Executive Director for Communications and Community Engagement. The department will assist media representatives in obtaining pertinent information, coordinating relevant interviews, and arranging for photo shoots or video footage. All students must have proper permission approvals before being photographed.
Media Procedures
- At times, journalists will ask Georgetown ISD employees to participate in a story regarding the District or a specific campus. If a reporter wants to interview a staff member or student, please refer them to the Communications and Community Engagement office at (512) 943-1890 which will coordinate the district’s involvement. Occasionally, reporters may call a staff member or appear at a campus without advance notice or coordination through the Communications and Community Engagement office. If this should happen, simply remind the journalist of GISD’s Media Guidelines.
News Releases
- The Communications and Community Engagement Department will generate news releases which will be distributed to local media, regional media, and GISD electronic communication outlets. News release information is welcomed and encouraged from all campuses and departments.
Submitting News Release Information
- Teachers and staff should send their newsworthy information and photographs to the Communications and Community Engagement office, which will edit and submit the story to the appropriate media channel. Each media outlet’s publisher or producer reserves the right to edit any and all materials submitted. News items and photographs may be e-mailed to
Tips for Submitting Photos
- Please submit digital photos only to the Communications and Community Engagement office. Digital photos should be in JPEG format with a recommended dimension size of 640 X 480 to 1024 X 768. Digital photos larger than 1024 X 768 require more time to download when using the district’s electronic mail system. It is also recommended to send photos of small groups and not large groups of people. Remember to check student/parental permissions before photographing students.
Requesting Coverage of an Event
- If an employee is requesting coverage of an upcoming special event at their campus, they should inform the Communications and Community Engagement office at least one week in advance of the event. Please provide as much detail as possible about the event. Contact the Communications and Community Engagement office at (512) 943-1890 with any questions regarding coverage.
Contact Information
- Communications and Community Engagement office
- Georgetown Independent School District / The Hammerlun Center for Leadership & Learning
- 507 E. University Ave
- Georgetown, Texas 78626
- (512) 943-1890
- (512) 943-5004 FAX
Revision Information
Contact information in this document was revised in November 2020.