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Public Information Requests

Public Information Requests
The Public Information Act (PIA) gives the public the right to request access to government information. The request must ask for information already in existence. The PIA does not require Georgetown ISD to create new information or perform legal searches.

Georgetown ISD will promptly respond to requests for information in accordance with the PIA. Please refer to Georgetown ISD’s Public Information Calendar  for a list of holidays observed by the District and days designated by the Board of Trustees as non-business days for purposes of the PIA

Public Information Act
Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, provides the public with access to government records, and an officer for public information and/or the officer’s agent may not ask why the records are being requested. All government information is presumed to be available to the public for inspection.  Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information.  Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or information for which an exception to disclosure has not been sought.

Procedures to Request Information
Submit a request by email, mail, fax, or in person. Include enough description and detail about the information requested to enable the district to accurately identify and locate the information requested. To request information from GISD, submit your request to: 

By mail or in person to:  
Hammerlun Center for Leadership & Learning 
Attention: Public Information Specialist
507 E. University Ave. 
Georgetown, TX 78626
By Fax: 512-943-5004
If you are requesting information related to your student's records, please contact the school/teacher.
If you are requesting personnel information, please contact HR

Charges for Public Information
GISD follows the pricing schedule adopted by the General Services Commission. Copy charges are as follows:

  1. Standard-paper copy.  The charge for standard-paper copies reproduced by means of an office machine copier or a computer printer is $.10 per page or part of a page.  Each side that has recorded information is considered a page.
  2. Nonstandard copy.  The charges for nonstandard copies are:

a.     Diskette — $1.00

b.     Magnetic tape — actual cost

c.      Data cartridge — actual cost

d.      Tape cartridge — actual cost

e.      Rewritable CD (CD-RW) — $1.00

f.       Non-rewritable CD (CD-R) — $1.00

g.      Digital video disc (DVD) — $3.00

h.      JAZ drive — actual cost

i.       Other electronic media — actual cost

j.       VHS video cassette — $2.50

k.      Audio cassette — $1.00

l.       Oversize paper copy (e.g., 11” x 17”, greenbar, bluebar, not including maps and photographs using specialty paper) — $.50

m.     Specialty paper (e.g., Mylar, blueprint, blueline, map, photographic) — actual cost

Additional charges may apply. For the complete list of charges click here

For more information, download a copy of the Public Information Act that includes rights of requestors, responsibilities of governmental bodies, and additional details.