Destination Imagination
Destination Imagination News
Volunteers Needed for 2022 Competition
Registration form coming soon!
2019 Competition Results
Thirty Georgetown ISD teams participated in the Heart of Texas regional DI tournament during the 2018-19 school year demonstrating perseverance, teamwork, innovation, and creative thinking. The Savage Cabbages from McCoy Elementary and the Nuke Kings from Forbes Middle School both received the High Instant Challenge Award with a perfect score on each of their Instant Challenges. Georgetown High School's Eagley-Eyed Wise Guys advanced to the state tournament in Corpus Christi. Contact your student's campus DI coach for information on how to get involved.
Georgetown ISD proudly offers students the opportunity to participate in fun and engaging creative and academic challenges through the Destination Imagination (DI) program. GISD offers DI to students in K-12, and our DI campus coaches have built teams that are competing at every level.
Helpful Questions & Answers
Question: Why should students get involved in DI? Answer
Question: What exactly are the DI team challenges? Answer
Question: What do parents of students involved in DI need to know? Answer