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Gifted/Talented Identification Updates

gifted and talented word cloud

The GISD referral window for gifted and talented (G/T) is fast approaching. We have made a few changes this year to the referral timeline and processes. As you consider whether to refer your child for testing, please review the information on this site and watch the video to learn more about our District's G/T services, our referral and assessment process, as well as characteristics of gifted learners.

GISD Identification Timeline

  • All Kindergarten students will be internally screened for referral to G/T testing in November; if the school determines that a Kindergarten student should be referred for Gifted Services, then a permission to test form will go home in November or December. Parents of Kindergarten students may also make a referral--simply use the eForm linked below.
  • Kindergarten assessment (quantitative and qualitative data collected) window opens January 4; a parent survey will be sent home to complete and return to the campus
  • Grades K-11 G/T assessment referral window, Nov. 5-Dec. 5. Use this eForm to make a referral. 
  • Grades K-11 G/T assessment (quantitative and qualitative data collected) window opens January; a parent survey will be sent home to complete and return to the campus
  • G/T services for any Kindergarten student identified as showing need will begin March 1
  • Grades 1-12 notifications will be sent by the beginning of May with any student showing need to begin services in August of next school year

Additional information about program services can be found on our GISD Gifted/Talented web page.

In considering whether to refer your child for gifted identification, please review the following. Please consider your child in comparison to children of the same age, grade, and experience.