Exam Policy & Development
19 TAC §74.24 Credit by Exams outlines the requirements a school district is required to follow for Credit by Exam.
Information about UT High School Credit by Exam
Study Guides
Study guides for UT High School CBEs are available and printable from the website at any time. Study guides for Communication Applications, English, Art, and PE are essential as these exams have specific requirements.
At Home, Online Proctored Exams
Effective April 27, 2020, UT High School offers online proctoring of credit by exams for students in grades 3-12 at home using the Proctorio service, which allows the student to take the exam using their computer or a district-issued computer. Proctorio includes an identification process, requires a webcam for video recording, and uses a lockdown browser to ensure a secure testing experience. Please see our Q & A documents for more information.