Credit by Exam Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between acceleration, verification, and credit recovery?
- Acceleration applies to students attempting to test out of a grade level or course without having any prior instruction. A score of 80% or higher is required on each individual exam.
- 1st - 5th grade students may only accelerate out of one entire grade level and must score 80% or higher on each individual exam (Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts). Acceleration into a new grade level will only occur at the beginning of the school year. Acceleration testing completed throughout the school year will allow a student to be eligible for acceleration for the following school year.
- 6th - 8th grade students may accelerate out of one entire grade level with a score of 80% or higher on each individual exam (Math, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts). Acceleration into a new grade level will only occur at the beginning of the school year. Acceleration testing completed throughout the school year will allow a student to be eligible for acceleration for the following school year.
- 6th - 12th grade students may accelerate out of a specific subject area with a score of 80% or higher on that exam. Most subject areas in 9th - 12th grade require two separate tests (one for each semester) for each course.
- 7th - 12th grade students may accelerate out of Languages Other than English courses with one comprehensive test through AVANT. Scores on this test determine how many credits the student earns.
- Verification applies to students needing to verify credit from homeschool or non-accredited private/public school (proof of instruction required). A score of 70% or higher is required on each individual exam.
- Credit Recovery applies to students needing to recover credit for a course in which the student has had prior instruction AND
the student is enrolling in the District from a nonaccredited school;
the student has failed a subject or course; or
the student has earned a passing grade in a subject or course but has failed to earn credit or a final grade because of excessive absences. A grade of 70% will be required to receive credit for the course.
Can students retake Credit by Exam tests if they do not pass the test on their first attempt?
- A student may not attempt a Credit by Exam test more than two times for a particular subject.
- A student may only attempt a Credit by Exam test one time per testing window for a particular subject.
When will we get scores?
- Test scores are available approximately two weeks after testing.