Credit by Exam Process
Test Registration:
- Review the UT High School website and study guides associated with the test you wish to take.
- Review the AVANT website for more information about the language exams.
- Request the registration form (Google Form) from your school counselor and complete by the registration deadline.
- Campus counselors and testing coordinators will provide you with information regarding testing date, time, and location.
Score Reporting:
- Test scores are available approximately two weeks after testing.
- Test scores will be shared with students and families by the campus counselor or testing coordinator. Schedule changes and class placements can be discussed and determined at that time.
- Campus counselors, testing coordinators, and registrars will ensure scores and credits are documented appropriately.
Credit and GPA Implications:
- Recorded scores will be included in your student’s cumulative GPA but not factored in your student’s weighted GPA which is used for class rank.
- If your student took the CBE to earn first time credit for a course, they must receive a grade of 80% or higher to earn credit. The numeric grade for each test will be transcribed for the first and second semester for the course in which your student has earned credit.
- If your student took the CBE to validate credit from homeschool or non-accredited private/public school, they must receive a grade of 70% or higher to earn credit. The numeric grade for each test will be transcribed for the first and second semester for the course in which your student has earned credit.
- If your student took the CBE as a way to recover credit for a course in which they have received some instruction, they must receive a grade of 70% or higher to earn credit. Your student will have the original grade (if applicable) as well as the CBE score recorded on his/her transcript for the semester(s) where credit was previously attempted but not earned.
- AVANT scores are aligned to the TEKS to determine course credit, and will be awarded accordingly.
- Grade acceleration and passing grades earned for courses through Credit by Exam tests will automatically be accepted unless a rejection letter is submitted in writing to the campus upon receipt of the score report.
- If no credit was awarded through the CBE process, nothing will be recorded on your student’s transcript.
Scheduling Implications:
- If your student is currently scheduled into a course that he/she has received credit for through the CBE, please contact your student’s campus counselor for scheduling decisions.
- If your student is currently scheduled into a LOTE course that he/she has received credit for through the CBE, your school counselor will update your student's schedule to reflect the next level of the LOTE course offered on campus. If that level of LOTE course is not provided at your student's campus your counselor will contact you for scheduling decisions. If you do not want your student to continue on to the next level LOTE course, please contact your student's counselor to discuss this change.
- 1st - 8th grade acceleration into a new grade level may only occur at the beginning of the school year. Acceleration testing completed throughout the school year will allow a student to be eligible for acceleration for the following school year.
- CBE scores received in the summer and fall testing windows will result in schedule changes for the upcoming school year. Results received in the winter and spring testing windows will have course selection changes made to the following school year requests.