Kindergarten Acceleration Process
GISD follows Legal and Local Board Policies EHDC concerning Alternative Methods for
Earning Credit/Credit by Examination without Prior Instruction as well as GISD procedures
for kindergarten acceleration to first grade prior to age 6.
To request consideration for accelerated placement in first grade, the following procedures
must be followed:
- The parent request for testing for first grade placement must be submitted to the
campus principal in writing by the end of the first week of school or within the first
week of the child’s enrollment for students who enroll after the first week of school. - The parent must submit a letter of recommendation from the sending school indicating
that first grade placement is recommended. In addition, the parent must provide copies
of the preschool grade reports, work samples, and prior test data. All of these
documents must be submitted by the end of the second week of school or second
week of enrollment. If the child did not attend a preschool, the parent must submit a
note stating this. - The student will be required to attend kindergarten classes until the screening
procedures are completed (usually within 4 weeks of enrollment). - The screening process is a two-phase process. A student must meet the phase I
criteria to advance to the phase II screening. - If a student advances to the phase II screening, all criteria will be used to assist in the
placement decision. - Any appeals must follow GISD Legal and Local policies FNG.
NOTE: Many children enter school with advanced reading skills and decoding words.
First grade placement is not based solely upon the child’s ability to perform these