We no longer offer the Family Pass, we now offer the Individual Multi-Sport Pass. Passes may be purchased through our Box Office beginning July 1, 2024 and valid through June 30, 2025. The pass is valid for all GISD high school and middle school HOME athletic events, EXCEPT varsity football games and any playoff games or tournaments. Pass holder must show ID with pass at gate (driver's license or student ID).
Senior Golden Club Pass
Any resident of Georgetown ISD (60 years of age or older) or retired GISD employee (eligible and receiving retirement) is eligible for membership in the GISD Golden Club. Club members receive free general admission to all home athletic events sponsored by GISD (EXCEPT tournaments and playoff games). Membership cards are available at the Hammerlun Center for Leadership & Learning, 507 East University Avenue, and at all athletic events, please see the gatekeeper.