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Personal Health & Safety

Texas Education Code Sec 33.005 requires that Professional School Counselors in the State of Texas implement a comprehensive school counseling program that aligns to the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling.  Similiar to how classroom teachers align their work to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) that have been established for the State of Texas, the Professional School Counselor is provided with domains and competencies to align their work within the Texas Model.  One domain that is established within the model is the "Personal Health and Safety" content area.

In order to address the competencies outlined in the Texas Model as well as the requirements of Senate Bill 9 from the 87th Texas Legislature (2021), the GISD Counseling Services Department has partnered with the Williamson County Child Advocacy Center to provide Play it Safe lessons for students in grade K-8.  Play it Safe lessons also include an online safety component within the curriculum.  In order to participate in these lessons, parents must indicate their preference through an opt-in process.  The opportunity to opt students into the curriculum is provided both during the annual registration process in  Skyward as well as by specific messaging that is provided to parents prior to the lessons.  The specific messaging also includes opportunities for parents to attend a learning session as well as a preview opportunity for the material.  The Play it Safe curriculum was recommended by the GISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC).

Play It Safe Lesson Information for the 2023-2024 School Year can be found here.

In accordance with SB 9, Georgetown ISD provides student instruction on Human Trafficking and Exploitation.  The GISD Teaching and Learning Department has partnered with the Williamson County Child Advocacy Center to provide the Love146 Not a Number through Health courses in grades 8-12.  In order to participate in these lessons, parents must indicate their preference through an opt-in process.  The opportunity to opt students into the curriculum is provided both during the annual registration process in Skyward as well as by specific messaging that is provided to parents prior to the lessons.  The specific messaging also includes opportunities for parents to attend a learning session as well as a preview opportunity for the material.  The Play it Safe curriculum was recommended by the GISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC).  For more information, contact the GISD Health/PE/Science coordinator.

In Georgetown ISD, we strive to understand the diverse backgrounds of every student entering our classrooms.  When students with adverse childhood experiences (ACES) enter our classrooms, we meet students where they are educationally, emotionally, and developmentally.  

To support this effort, new-to-GISD staff are provided with Trauma Informed Classroom learning during their onboarding into the district.  This overview is meant to highlight the affects of trauma on brain development, learning, and behavior in the classroom.  Additionally, staff are provided with a summary of the TEA approved and evidence-based Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) as a model for supporting students who come from trauma. Lastly, staff are provided with resources for additional learning as well as options to support students who require additional resources.

Texas Education Code 38.351



In order to address the competencies outlined in the Texas Model as well as the requirements of Senate Bill 9 from the 87th Texas Legislature (2021), the GISD Counseling Services Department has partnered with the Williamson County Child Advocacy Center to provide Play it Safe lessons for students in grade K-8.  Play it Safe lessons also include an online safety component within the curriculum.  In order to participate in these lessons, parents must indicate their preference through an opt-in process.  The opportunity to opt students into the curriculum is provided both during the annual registration process in  Skyward as well as by specific messaging that is provided to parents prior to the lessons.  The specific messaging also includes opportunities for parents to attend a learning session as well as a preview opportunity for the material.  The Play it Safe curriculum was recommended by the GISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC).

Play It Safe Lesson Information for the 2023-2024 School Year can be found here.

In accordance with SB 9, Georgetown ISD provides student instruction on Human Trafficking and Exploitation.  The GISD Teaching and Learning Department has partnered with the Williamson County Child Advocacy Center to provide the Love146 Not a Number through Health courses in grades 8-12.  In order to participate in these lessons, parents must indicate their preference through an opt-in process.  The opportunity to opt students into the curriculum is provided both during the annual registration process in Skyward as well as by specific messaging that is provided to parents prior to the lessons.  The specific messaging also includes opportunities for parents to attend a learning session as well as a preview opportunity for the material.  The Play it Safe curriculum was recommended by the GISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC).  For more information, contact the GISD Health/PE/Science coordinator.

In Georgetown ISD, we strive to understand the diverse backgrounds of every student entering our classrooms.  When students with adverse childhood experiences (ACES) enter our classrooms, we meet students where they are educationally, emotionally, and developmentally.  

To support this effort, new-to-GISD staff are provided with Trauma Informed Classroom learning during their onboarding into the district.  This overview is meant to highlight the affects of trauma on brain development, learning, and behavior in the classroom.  Additionally, staff are provided with a summary of the TEA approved and evidence-based Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) as a model for supporting students who come from trauma. Lastly, staff are provided with resources for additional learning as well as options to support students who require additional resources.

Texas Education Code 38.351