Dyslexia Parent Resources
Welcome to Dyslexia Parent Resources!
This webpage is maintained by GISD Dyslexia Staff who wish to share with parents useful resources and tools to assist their student receiving dyslexia services.
Informative Websites:
- IDA Austin
- Talking Book Program - Texas
- The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity - Parent Resources
- www.littlemonkeybooks.com
- www.understood.org
- www.collegeboard.com
- Six Layers of Phonemic Awareness
- Student with Dyslexia Discovers What It's Like to Read (Video)
Apps For Students with Dyslexia:
iOS Apps
- Voice Dream Reader
- Prizmo Go
- Co:Writer Universal
- Dyslexia Keyboard
Chrome & Chromebook (Google Extensions)
- Read & Write for Chrome
- Snap & Read Universal
- Google Voice Typing
- WordQ
- Verity Spell
Web Tools
- Rewordify
- MindMeister
- Quizlet
- Grammarly
- NaturalReader
- MacOS Accessibility
- Ghotit Real Writer
- Inspiration
Learning Ally
This website offers audio versions of textbooks and novels. Go to: www.learningally.com.
User Name: student’s last name followed by first initial (example – westmorelandn)
Password: eagles
For additional resources please visit Jamie Martin’s website at www.atdyslexia.com