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Online Work Order System

The GISD Maintenance & Facilities department utilizes an online work order system.
Please complete the fields listed below: 
Field Description
Location Name of campus where work is required - from drop-down menu
Building Area of campus where work is required - Main Bldg, Annex, Gym, etc. 
Area Specific Location of campus where requested work is located - Admin area, main office, blue hallway, etc.
Type Type of work being requested - Carpentry, electrical, HVAC, etc. 
Description Detailed description of work. Explain problem, justify new work, identify required coordination/scheduling, etc.
Requester Name Person needing work done (last name, first name: Doe, John)
Phone Work phone number of requester
Requester Email Name of authorized person submitting work request (last name, first initial: doe). Do not enter email address.



Irene Damron