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Overtime Compensation

       The district compensates overtime for nonexempt employees in accordance with federal wage and hour laws. All employees are classified as exempt or nonexempt for purposes of overtime compensation. Professional and administrative employees are not eligible for overtime compensation. Only nonexempt employees (hourly employees including auxiliary and paraprofessional staff) are entitled to overtime compensation. Nonexempt employees are not authorized to work beyond their normal work schedule without prior approval from their supervisor. A normal work week varies according to the employee's job type.  Overtime is compensated once an employee exceeds 40 hours.  

Recording Time Worked/Time Missed from Work

All hourly employees use True Time in Skyward to report their time worked.  Time off in Skyward is used to report absences.  Discretionary personnel leave and vacation require prior approval.
Controlling Accumulation of Compensatory Time

Employees who earn compensatory time may accumulate up to 100 hours.  An employee will be asked to use their compensatory time prior to other types of leave.