What is YouTube?
YouTube is a free video-sharing website, included in Google Workspace, that is used for teaching and learning in GISD. To insure the safety of our learners, YouTube is filtered by Lightspeed so it will be important to understand the steps to take to make sure video content teachers deem appropriate is viewable by students BEFORE sharing a YouTube link with them.
YouTube Access in GISD
- GISD teachers and staff have permissions that allow them to view and search for any videos that meet our Acceptable Use Policy.
- GISD students are restricted from viewing any videos that are not in our approved database.
- This means that just because you can see a video as a staff member, that doesn't automatically guarantee that your students will also be able to view that video so teachers will need plan to do some research before sharing a YouTube video link with their students to view.
- There is currently a large database of videos that are categorized as Educational and unblocked for students to view inside of GISD, but with the ever changing content in YouTube, it will not cover everything you may want to show your students so please make plans to research before sharing a YouTube video link with students.
- Here are the instructions for teachers to use to determine if a video is already marked viewable by GISD students or if they will need to submit it for review to unblock it.
- This means that just because you can see a video as a staff member, that doesn't automatically guarantee that your students will also be able to view that video so teachers will need plan to do some research before sharing a YouTube video link with their students to view.
Do More With YouTube
Use of a Teacher YouTube Channel
If you have created a Teacher YouTube Channel to share content with your classes, you will need to enter a Service Desk request that includes the link to your YouTube Channel and ask to have it unblocked before your students will be allowed to view it. Once your channel is unblocked, all of your public videos will be unblocked as well.
Helpful YouTube Channel Tips:
This webpage was last updated on August 1, 2024