What are the qualifications of school librarians?
School librarians must have at least 2 years of teaching experience, have completed a school librarian certification program, have a Master's degree, and have successfully passed a librarian certification test. Texas Administrative Code for School Librarian Certification
How do I access titles in my student's library to find out what is available?
To view titles in a campus library, go to the campus library catalog https://georgetown.follettdestiny.com and click on your student's campus link -- Catalog tab
To view titles in the Sora digital library, have your student login through ClassLink to view titles in the Sora collection. Please note: students only have access to check out titles in the grade-banded area they belong to.
How can I find out what my student has checked out?
Library information is housed inside of Destiny, our library management system. To view checkouts, have your student login to their account through ClassLink. Go to My Stuff > Checkouts
To view if your student has any digital materials checked out through Sora, have your student login to their Sora account through ClassLink. Click the Shelf icon at the bottom of the screen to see current checkouts.
How do librarians select books to purchase for the school libraries?
District librarians seek to provide a balanced collection. These materials present varying levels of difficulty, diversity of appeal, a variety of points of view for the purpose of enriching and supporting the District's educational program. Librarians use the criteria outlined in EFB Local and abide by the practices outlined in: Georgetown ISD Selection Criteria
I have concerns about a book. What is my first step?
Please contact your student's librarian and/or campus administration to express your concern. Often intial conversations are effective in diffusing concerns. An alternate library material can be offered and if requested, the material can be restricted at the parent/guardian's request for their child.
I've visited with my librarian and/or campus administrator and still have concerns. What are the next steps?
If there are still concerns after the material has been informally reviewed, contact either the campus administrator or district library director for the Request for Reconsideration Form. The completed form may be sent back to the campus administrator or district library director and a reconsideration committee will convene to review the material.
Is there a resource with an overview of the reconsideration process?
See this guide by the Texas Library Association LINK
What is the parent/guardian role in student selection of library materials?
Georgetown ISD acknowledges that parents and guardians are the primary decision makers regarding their child's access to library materials. Students are afforded the opportunity to self-select library materials as part of literacy development and library program. District staff may assist a student in selecting library materials; however, the ultimate determination of appropriateness remains with the student and parent or guardian.