Free & Reduced Lunch
The Free and Reduced Lunch Program provides students from eligible families with a free or reduced lunch at school.
Your children may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals if:
- Your family receives government food stamps
- Your family receives Aid for Needy Families with Children (ANFC)
- Your family income is at, or less than, the levels listed below.
Applications for free & reduced meals are available from the school office or can be completed online in the Skyward Family Access parent portal at any time. During online returning student registration, the application is an optional step in the process. During the school year, you can access the online application in the Skyward Family Access portal by clicking on Food Service and then the link "Applications" at the top of the window. All applications will be kept confidential.
The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 has established that once a household is approved for free and reduced-price benefits, the household will remain eligible for those benefits for the remainder of the school year plus a maximum of 30 operating days after the first operating day in the following school year. This means the household is no longer required to report changes in circumstances, such as an increase in income, a decrease in household size, or when the household is no longer certified as eligible for food stamps or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
For more information about free & reduced meals, contact:
Kayla Gamez
Food & Nutrition Specialist/Federal Programs Secretary
Georgetown Independent School District
603 Lakeway Dr, Georgetown, TX 78626
Phone: (512) 943-5000 x. 6166
It’s about more than lunch. Qualified families may be eligible for the following benefits:
- Free SAT & ACT Testing
- College application fees waived at selected colleges & universities
- Scholarship opportunities for students
- Athletics
- Students on free and reduced lunch receive discounts to purchase gear for workouts and for camps.
- Fine Arts
- Students on free or reduced lunch are often given special consideration when it comes to school instrument rental. Please check with your campus for additional details. Students receiving free or reduced lunch are also eligble for a Georgetown Performing Arts Alliance (GPAA) scholarship in the fall. Please check with your campus for additional details.
- Support from local GISD Partners such as Backpack Buddies, Blue Santa and more...
- Impacts the amount of federal money provided to the district
- Applications also help determine federal funding to public school districts.