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Eduphoria Strive

Eduphoria Strive facilitates Evaluation and Professional Development Portfolios for GISD staff.  To access Eduphoria Strive, please follow this LINK and login using a GISD email address (without the and GISD password. 

My Evaluation Process

Staff can keep up with Evaluations and personal goals by clicking on the My Evaluation Process tab.  

My Professional Learning

The My Professional Learning tab gives staff the capability to register for upcoming sessions, verify sessions they are enrolled in, see completed courses, and view and/or edit their individual Portfolio.

Texas requries all classroom teachers to earn 150 SBEC (State Board for Educator Certification) hours during a five-year renewal period .  Professional Learning sessions initiated by GISD will be monitored and SBEC hours granted upon session completion.  It is the responsibility of staff who elect to attend out-of-district continuing education options to receive campus adminstrator pre-approval and, upon completion, enter the session into their Portfolio, uploading a certificate/verification of completion (registration documents cannot be accepted).  Please follow this LINK for instructions on how to do so.

Questions regarding Professional Learning information can be directed to Joycelyn Lawson (