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Vector & Compliance Training Plan Information



State of Texas statutes and regulations require school employees to participate in certain staff development training sessions.   While some are required by state law, others are required by Georgetown ISD.  Georgetown ISD is committed to the continued training and involvement of personnel.

We are happy to announce that Vector is up and ready. Staff can access their compliance Training Plan in one of two ways:

  1. Proceed to the website (Link) and login using your GISD Username (your email without and Password.
  2. Follow the link available through the GISD ClassLink site.

In Vector, GISD staff has been assigned a Training Plan to complete according to compliance requirements needed for their job description. Contract employees who would like to earn 6 comp time hours can enroll in Eduphoria and complete their assigned Plan by the end of the day before their contract takes affect. If comp time hours are earned through alternate training opportunities and Plan completion is not needed for comp time, staff will have until the end of the day before students arrive on campus to complete their Plan. Hourly paid personnel will be given time to complete their Plan when they return to work in August.

For a quick reference guide to help with accessing your Plan, follow this Link. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Terri Conrad ( or Joycelyn Lawson (