Transition Planning and Services
Transition Planning and Services
What Is Transition Planning?
Transition planning is a process to help students with disabilities decide what they want to do after graduation, such as attend college, join the workforce, live independently, and become involved in the community. It also helps them figure out how to get there. The purpose of transition planning is to help students prepare to be independent young adults and help them move from public school to adult life.
The Transition Plan is required by law for students with a disability by the time the child reaches age 14 (or earlier if needed) and is part of their Individualized Education Program, or IEP.
The transition plan begins with a comprehensive assessment of a student's:
as they pertain to life after graduation. The results of these assessments lead to the establishment of the student’s postsecondary goals in the areas of:
Education or Training
Independent living (if necessary).
Next, special education teachers, family members, students, and others provide transition services and activities in the areas of:
Community Experiences
Employment and Adult Living Skills
Daily Living Skills (if necessary)
Functional Vocational Evaluation
to assist the student in achieving their goals for after graduation.
A four year graduation plan with courses of study needed to assist the student in meeting their goals for after graduation is created. Annual IEP goals for the student to work on now to reach their postsecondary goals are also written.
Finally, the plan is reviewed, at least annually, and updated as needed to ensure student progress.
Why Transition Planning Is Important
All students need guidance in order to make the leap from high school to the next step. Students with disabilities, however, need even more help because their leap is that much greater. The purpose of the transition plan is to better prepare students with disabilities to enter the workplace, continue learning, become as independent as possible, and contribute to society.
Click on the links below to learn more about Transition Planning.