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Pregnancy Related Services



Pregnancy Related Services

Pregnancy Related Services are support services, including Compensatory Education Home Instruction (CEHI) that a pregnant student receives during the pregnancy prenatal and postpartum periods.
These services are delivered to a student when: 
  • Student is pregnant and attending classes on a district campus
  • The pregnancy prenatal and/or postpartum periods prevent the student from attending classes on a district campus

A PRS Team will coordinate and provide services to pregnant/parenting students.  The team consists of a district coordinator, school nurse, school counselor, and school administrator.

The primary responsibility of this team is to support pregnant/parent students to fully develop their academic, career, personal and social abilities.  In addition the PRS Team will: 

  • Participate in planning, implementing, and evaluating a comprehensive support program to serve all pregnant/parenting students and to address the special needs of students who are:
    • At-Risk of dropping out of school
    • In need of modified instructional strategies
  •  Communicate with students' parents or guardians and make referrals as appropriate in consultation with parents or guardians.
    • Adoption - This topic is not counseled or discussed with student at school.  The only information that we provide is the address and phone number to the person(s) or organization that addresses these issues.
    • Abortion - This is not counseled or discussed with student at school.  The only information that we provide is the address and phone number to the person(s) or organization that addresses these issues.
    • Any topic that may be controversial must be discussed with PRS Team before sharing with student.
  • Consult with school staff, parents, and other community members to help them increase the effectiveness of students' education and promote student success.
  • Coordinate people and resources in the school, home, and community 
Carey Thornell
512.943.5000 x.6925