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Off Campus PE

General Program Overview

The purpose of the OCPE Program is to accommodate students who are making a serious effort to develop higher-level skills in a specific activity that exceeds what the school district can offer through the general physical education program. The OCPE Program allows students in 6th through 12th grades to earn credits that meet the district and state physical education requirements. Only agencies who have been approved by TEA as a provider can provide OCPE credit.

All students, grades 6-12, are eligible to participate in OCPE according to these guidelines:

Category One:  These programs involve a minimum of fifteen (15) hours per week of highly intense, professionally-supervised training.  Students qualifying at this level may miss one period per day.  The student would be required to follow this schedule for at least a full semester.  Students participating at this level may receive a maximum of one-half credit per semester.

Category Two:  These programs are to be of high quality, well supervised by appropriately trained instructors, and consist of a minimum of five (5) hours per week.  Students certified to participate at this level MAY NOT be dismissed from any part of the regular school day.


Application Deadlines

Fall semester/Full-year applications will be accepted from August 1, 2024 through the end of the school day on August 23rd, 2024.  

Spring semester applications will be accepted from December 2, 2024 through the end of the school day on the first week of school in the spring semester, January 10th 2025. 

Applications must be submitted to the campus counselor.  The earlier applications are received, the more planning can occur to cause the least disruption in the student's course selection and class schedule.  Once received, applications will be reviewed by the campus counselor who will confirm that the agency is on the GISD approved vendor list and then submitted to a campus administrator and/or the campus athletics coordinator for approval.


Program Guidelines and Application

The full OCPE program guidelines can be found using the button below.  The program description includes a full description of the program with many details that parents/guardians need to be aware of prior to applying.  The program description also provides the following resources embedded within the document: 

  • Current TEA approved vendors that are eligible to provide OCPE in Georgetown ISD. 
  • Application for Vendors who are not currently approved.
  • Guidelines and steps for guardians/ students to apply for participation in the OCPE program. 
  • Grading and attendance report that is submitted to the campus registrar before the end of the grading cycle.

OCPE Full Guide

Once familiar with the OCPE program guidelines, direct links to the resources contained in the full guide can be accessed below:

Approved Vendors

Vendor Application


OCPE Grade Form


Questions about the OCPE program can be directed to your campus counselor or Paige Hoellen - GISD Coordinator of PE/Health/Science at