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Online Enrollment Application

Welcome to Georgetown ISD's student online enrollment system!  Parents can complete pre-enrollment paperwork as well as upload scanned or photographed copies of all required documents for their students online.

Please note that this process is ONLY for students who are new to the district and did not complete the school year at a GISD campus.  

There are two different methods for accessing the enrollment system depending on whether you already have students enrolled in the district.  These methods are shown below.  

If you do not currently have students enrolled in Georgetown ISD, you will need to create an account to begin the enrollment process.

1. Click here to request a new parent/guardian enrollment account 

Use either your email address or create a username you select if you do not have an email address.  If you choose "I don't have an email address", you can enter a login username and record the password provided to you in the message that pops up after you click create account.   

2. Click here to login to Online Enrollment with your new account 
Use the password that is emailed to you (or assigned to you as part of the account request if you do not have an email) and complete pre-enrollment paperwork for each of your students using the same account. 
Click here to view a short video showing how to enroll your student if you do not already have other students enrolled in GISD.

If you currently have one or more students enrolled in Georgetown ISD, you can add additional students using your existing Skyward Family Access account.

1. Click here to log into Skyward Family Access
Use the username and password you normally use to check grades or attendance online.  Use the forgot password link if you do not remember your family access account information.

2. Click on New Student Online Enrollment
The link will be a button on the top left side of the menu.  Click to start and you can complete the online enrollment application for any student in your family who will be new to the district.  They will be automatically added to your Family Access account after the application is approved. 

Click here to view a short video on how to enroll your new student if you already have children in the district through your existing Skyward Family Access account.

Parents must provide copies of all required documents to the campus registrar before the online enrollment application can be approved.  Documents can be scanned, photographed, or photocopied and provided to the registrar either during the online enrollment application process in the required document upload area, via secure, encrypted email request from the the campus registrar, during an in-person enrollment appointment at the campus, or by U.S. Mail to the campus address, sent "Attn: Registrar."  

Need additional assistance?  Please see the Step-by-Step Instructions for Parents:  English  | Spanish 
You can also email for additional assistance or questions, or request an appointment with your campus registrar for assistance with the process.