Special Considerations
Except as outlined below, Georgetown ISD schools are closed to out-of-district transfer requests, and students living in GISD are required to attend the school zoned for their residence address.
Students applying for a sibling transfer if a sibling meets the special exceptions listed below.
Students choosing to remain at their current campus if they have three consecutive years of enrollment at that campus and their zoned campus is in the same feeder pattern;
Students choosing to remain at the current campus if they are a returning 5th grader, 8th grader,
Students choosing to remain at their current campus if they are 10th, 11th, or 12th graders (see the Stay Put transfer requirements for more information).
Students who move to a different GISD attendance zone during the school year and wish to complete the school year at their current school.
A special consideration transfer request can be denied for any of the following reasons:
The reason for the request is due to the district’s rezoning of the student’s current residence to a different school.
This application or any of the requested materials are incomplete or missing.
The reason for the transfer does not meet one of the preceding special considerations:
Lack of available space and/or staffing at the school to which the student requests a transfer;
The sending or receiving principal or the Director of Operations disagrees with the transfer;
The parent/guardian cannot furnish transportation;
The transfer is to avoid a discipline situation, academic difficulty, or attendance concern;
False information is provided on the transfer request.
Parents may appeal the decision to deny a transfer through the GISD grievance process, FNG (LOCAL).
For further information, please contact the district at 512-943-5000, ext. 6096.